
New SHS Students

Kevin Ball
Kevin Ball, Ph.D.
Dean and Professor
School of Health Sciences

建立在自然科学和行为科学的基础之上, 健康科学学院将学生转变为领导者, 将理论与最佳实践联系起来, 并影响所有人和社区的需求 in purpose for Health.

The School of Health Sciences is organized into four core academic departments. 我们提供一个多元化和包容的合作环境, 学术与临床学习接近1,800 undergraduate, master's, doctoral, and post-professional students. Your success is our top priority and we are here to help you reach your fullest potential – by helping you discover your unique talents and passions, 为你提供帮助你成长和独立的工具, 并为你的职业生涯做准备. No matter your goals, a degree from the School of Health Sciences prepares you for a wide range of career paths. 确定你的职业选择通过我们的 SHS Foundational Model PDF.

The professional Academic Advising Office staff encourages intellectual growth and empowers students to be responsible contributors of their academic success and pursuits during their journey towards a Bachelor of Science degree majoring in Health Sciences; Nutrition; Interdisciplinary Health Care Studies; Applied Health Sciences; 临床与诊断科学; Exercise Science; Environmental Health and Safety; Wellness and Health Promotion; and our many distinct specializations to prepare for a variety of career paths. Our staff works in collaboration with the student to achieve their overall academic, graduation, 职业目标是为了健康.

Students are required to meet with their assigned academic adviser at least once a year. 预约可以面对面、虚拟或通过电话进行. Scheduling an appointment is made easy by contacting the advising office at (248) 370-2369.

Advising Outcomes

  • 与你的导师建立一种有意的合作关系
  • 了解学校课程的结构和目的
  • Create a narrative that connects your classes, experiential learning, and co-curricular programming
  • 确定并解释你的个人和职业短期和长期目标
  • 利用学校资源来实现你的学术和职业目标

Expectations of the Student

  • 积极参与所有咨询工作(例如.g. 带上你的问题,研究生院的预要求等.)
  • Use Degree Works and the catalog year assigned to understand your degree requirements
  • 了解大学的资源、政策和程序
  • Understand your rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
  • 每年至少与你的专业学术顾问见面一次
  • 定期检查你的韦德体育app官网电子邮件,并给你的导师发电子邮件 [email protected]
  • 为你的决定和行为承担责任
  • Research majors, minors, policies, procedures and opportunities as appropriate
  • 允许与你的导师进行开诚布公的交流

Expectations of the Adviser

  • Advocate for student success
  • 创建并维护各自的, inclusive, and collaborative environment, 鼓励相互信任,开放沟通互动
  • Remain informed on majors, minors, policies, procedures and opportunities as appropriate
  • Empower our students to develop an academic plan that works best for their individual academic goal
  • Help students in the decision making process and to take ownership of their choices
  • Introduce the Degree Works system and how the tool is used in advising and for the student’s progress toward degree
  • 协助学生联系校园和学术资源
  • Provide an open space to listen to the needs, questions, concerns, and uncertainties

Students in the School of Health Sciences are assigned a professional academic adviser based on their intended academic major. This process is streamlined in a way that permits your professional adviser the ability to communicate with our students more efficiently and immediately upon declaring a major.

The academic advisers use a centralized emailing process when communicating with the student on their caseloads. 学生需要给指定的指导老师发电子邮件 [email protected] to support the office’s mission and to avoid missed communication or delayed responses. Working with a singular email address also allows for our team to efficiently provide support in the absence of the assigned adviser.

Our academic advising office sponsors adviser connection sessions once a month. These sessions are provided by various academic advisers to assist students in learning more about our majors and connecting with the professional adviser in the major area you have selected.

Headshot of Zach Barclay

Zach Barclay


  • Undecided Health Sciences
  • Health Sciences major
    • 学前健康专业研究集中


Denae May
Senior Academic Adviser


  • Health Sciences major
    • 学前健康专业研究集中

Hnou Vue的专业头像

Hnou Vue
Academic Adviser


  • Health Sciences major
    • 整体健康集中和辅修
    • Pre-pharmacy concentration
  • 环境健康与安全主修和辅修
  • Public Health major
  • 跨学科医疗保健研究
  • Applied Health Sciences major
    • 医疗保健领导力集中
    • Health Promotion concentration


Nancy Osmialowski
Academic Adviser


  • 临床与诊断科学专业,主修:
    • Diagnostic Medical Sonography
    • Histotechnology
    • Medical Laboratory Science
    • Nuclear Medicine Technology
    • Pre-clinical Professions
    • Radiologic Technology
    • Pre-pharmacy Sciences
  • Applied Health Sciences major
    • 放射技术领导专业

Ashley Finkley Headshot

Ashley Finkley
Academic Adviser


  • 运动科学专业和辅修专业
    • 理疗前集中治疗
    • 矫形师和假肢师助理研究专业
  • Nutrition major and minor
    • Dietetics specialization
  • Applied Health Sciences major
    • 矫形师和假肢师助理研究专业

合作领导与跨专业教育的探索 (ECLIPSE) is a community engaged, 为健康科学学院学生开设的领导力发展项目. 该计划侧重于跨专业教育的支柱(沟通,团队合作,角色/责任,价值观/道德) and allows students to practice and synthesize what they are learning in and outside of the classroom, with the goal being to ultimately improve patient and community care through interprofessional collaboration.


  • Mentoring groups that create a sense of community and connection to SHS - many students share the same major or career path and take the same classes, study together, 做服务和其他有趣的活动
  • Peer mentors who meet regularly with members to assist them in tracking their goals and to share resources to aid in their success
  • Monthly workshops to practice leadership skills and gain additional knowledge to prepare for pre-professional programs in health
  • 机会,比如社区服务, research, 临床经验和准备医学院申请
  • 在竞争激烈的领域中脱颖而出
  • Complete a Community Health Impact Project as the culmination of the experience in the program
  • 创建一个电子作品集来展示整个项目的经历


“During my time in ECLIPSE, I have improved my skills in each of the pillars by reflecting on my experiences through my time as a student at Oakland University. Reflecting on events and experiences has helped me to cement lessons that I learn concerning communication, teamwork, roles/responsibilities, and values/ethics.” – Nick, HS major with concentration in Pre health professional Studies, Pre-Med

“One of the things that I enjoyed about the meetings for ECLIPSE were the topics that were discussed because oftentimes, 这些会议让我对不同的事情有了不同的看法. The meetings definitely made me stronger in all of the pillars and it was a way of socializing with other people. I also liked the breakout rooms because it was a chance to come out of my shell more.” – Anonymous member

“I have become a better leader through the ECLIPSE program even though I was a leader before starting, 它增强了我的技能,帮助我为别人做最好的自己. Being a healthcare professional is all about helping other people and the pillars of ECLIPSE help to highlight the areas that are most beneficial for leaders in this field.——玛丽安娜,HS专业整体健康,ot预科

Visit the ECLIPSE 更多报价和信息的网页.

School of Health Sciences

Academic Advising
3070 Human Health Building
433 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(location map)
(248) 370-2369

Dean's Office
Human Health Building
(248) 370-3562
[email protected]